Monday, 21 September 2009

Insane Lost Theory #1 - The Third Entity

The whispers have long been of intrigue to me, and I love reading the transcripts and trying to deduce theories from them. Now I think I have a half-decent one.

There's a third entity akin to Jacob and the Man in Black on The Island.

I do think this for a number of reasons, the first being the whispers wherein two male voices and a female voice have been heard by the Losties. Yet the female voice seems to be all for revealing herself or feels sad for our survivors, but is cautioned against it by the two males (Jacob & Man in Black) who seem to be more for manipulating things. I think she may be an underling, not as powerful as the men but still has a few tricks up her sleeve.

Secondly, I'd like to bring up Smokey. In the episode where Kate & Juliet are handcuffed to each other, they run off and get behind the security fence when The Monster approaches. Then as it does, it comes together from three separate whisps of smoke, similar to the small ones we saw when Locke was saved with dynamite in season one and before Eko was killed by it. The Monster also operates in three parts, being Jacob/Man in Black/Woman and they battle for control of it, hence it's differing actions (Woman in control when they meet Eko so she doesn't kill him, MIB in control later, sees no need for him, so kills him). The three can act independently as smoke trails but do not have enough power to do much when so. If you thought that bit was crazy wait for the next bit.

Thirdly, the female entity is...Christian. She was quick to take physical form of someone that Jacob/Man in Black might have used against her or one another, but doesn't seem powerful enough to keep it at all times. If she makes up part of The Monster, it would explain why such sounds are heard when Jack sees Christian on Island initially. When she can't keep a hold of the form, the Man in Black utilises him instead as distinguished by the black shoes worn when it's MIB and the white tennis ones worn when it's the woman. She's trying to influence the survivors without appearing herself and upsetting Jacob/MIB so this is the way she thinks it would work. What her goal would be with this, I have no idea, she's simply a theoretical character at this point, an idea.

Finally, I feel having a female lead to bring a rift between MIB & Jacob, or to oppose MIB with a loophole of her own would be fitting for the final season.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, 18 September 2009

Staying spoiler free ain't easy

I fondly recall season three of Lost when some good things such as Juliet came around to the show and as a big Lost fanatic I was hyped to see the finale of the show, so went the usual route of staying up late for when the American airing was finished and awaiting it to come online so me and my friend could watch.

However this seemed to be taking longer than usual so we scoured Lostpedia (thinking that if we couldn't see the episode that day we could at least read how it finished) and had the flashforward reveal ruined early for myself which really took away from the episode.

Alas I am a spoiler junkie, so went on being manic with seasons four and five (with finale exceptions) and enjoyed it more. Now that we're getting to the final throws of the show I've decided to go spoiler free.

I've seen set reports and rumours crop up and have managed to resist the old temptation to read them, and I'm quite proud of myself for doing so. Hopefully some of you are going spoiler free too, just for these last few bits of Lost. It's going to be great.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, 13 August 2009



So, it seems that the first episode of Lost season will be called “LA X”. I thought I’d blog my quick thoughts on the title.

This will make some people think that the reset worked, for better or worse as they would land in Los Angeles otherwise known as LAX.

However, that single space there makes me think otherwise, as if marked on a sheet of paper, to say that “LA” as an answer is incorrect and it did not work.

So, what do you think, did Jack’s plan work or not?

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Lost Hiatus Cures - #1

So, Lost is off the air, and you’ve done a rewatch, or you’ve started and need something else to cure the pain of missing Lost. I’m going to suggest a few things, feel free to comment on any more.


Lost Fan Club
Lost spot, club, whatever. If you’re not a member of Fanpop by now, why not? The Lost Fan Club has a nice quiz section, a section where you can put up Picks, which are opinion-based questions, or even Answers, which is where you can ask anything that has confused you about Lost. This is handy if you can’t remember a reference, or missed out what Jacob was or something similar.

I’ll do a few more of these during the hiatus, and hopefully you can use some of them.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

It only ends once


Season Six Teaser

That’s the entirety of the next season of Lost we’ve seen, which is just actually footage from “Pilot, Part 1”, but what do we actually know?

  • There will be 17 episodes
  • It will start in February 2010
  • It is the final season
  • Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet) will appear in only two episodes according to Ausiello
  • There was mention of Dominic Monaghan (Charlie) & Darlton Lindelof having a quick “five minute chat” about Charlie coming back, so we might see him guest spotting later.
  • Cynthia Watros will not feature, as she’s being stubborn, leading to not being able to bridge the gap in Libby’s story.

Yeah, not a whole lot. Hopefully we get a few more details in the coming months to help us cope.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Do you have any idea how badly I want to kill you?

250px-AntiJacob Well…no-one could have ever predicted that season five would start to end this way. We saw Jacob in the flesh, brandishing a red herring and a white shirt, living a simple life. Another man comes and sits besides him, wearing his black shirt proudly staring out at what is likely The Black Rock, and it’s captain Ricardos coming to The Island and promising he’ll find a loophole to kill Jacob. The two men act like it’s a game between them, and the ship full of people coming to The Island are mere chess pieces to prove one another wrong.

S5finale-Jacob-touches-Hugo Within the flashbacks we see Jacob visiting, and perhaps more importantly physically touching each of them, even if only for an instant. Seeing an Apollo candy bar for the first time in three seasons was nice call back for Lost Experience players. We found out the origin of Hurley’s guitar case, and how he knew about Ajira Flight 316.

S5-finale-Jacob-resurrects-LockeJacob calmly waited for Locke to fall from a height which should have killed him according to the orderlies and doctors, but a small pat on the shoulder from Jacob, and he gasps and is conscious again. If Jacob was able to bring Locke back from the brink of death, why not remove his paralysis? Jacob does need to test a future leader of The Island I think.

The_fork_in_the_Outlet“The Fork In The Outlet” was very shocking indeed. The Locke that we’ve seen on Island, since The Life & Death Of Jeremy Bentham, has in fact been Jacob’s Enemy (apparently nicknamed Esau by fans due to the bible story) trying to find a loophole. That being, that he could not directly kill Ben, nor direct someone to kill him in his own form. So, the best person to convince is Ben, and the best person to do that as, would be John Locke.

FreezingFeverThinking back, the shirted Christian who appears to Locke, pushes him to die, and Jacob’s Enemy tells Richard to tell Locke that he has to die in order to save The Island, and also tells him to move The Island, in another attempt to rid Locke off The Island so that he can maraud around as him instead. Does this mean every apparition we’ve seen on The Island is actually Jacob’s Enemy? From the “Jacob” we saw in the cabin, the Alex who convinced Ben to follow “Locke’s” every word, to Eko’s brother Yemi? I don’t think they all are, but if Esau can appear as certain forms, I think Jacob can too. Anybody remember the explicitly stated white tennis shoe, that we see off Island Christian wearing?


I think that white-shoed Christian is actually Jacob, who has only so far appeared to Jack, whom he mentioned “needed a little push”.


In 2007, Jacob’s Enemy had a job to do, and eventually reached the statue where Jacob really lives, instead of the cabin, which I assume Jacob’s Enemy had been presiding in. He led Ben in and spoke with Jacob about finding the loophole. Michael Emerson is a great actor and I loved his speech to Jacob about him being ignored. When Jacob replied “What about you?” you knew his time was up. But this leaves the question, who are “they”? And why are they coming? The Others and Sun now know that the Locke inside the statue. I wonder what their reaction will be come season six, or did it even actually happen because of the bomb? Jacob might not even be dead, nor Locke.

Back over at The Swan site in 1977, we knew certain things had to happen. Chang had to have an accident with his hand to get the prosthetic arm with saw him with in the future…or past…one of those.

5x16SavingDad Phil had to die, after it was built up that we hate him, especially for hitting Juliet in the previous episode. Jack and co. came with the bomb to erase the last three years so that The Swan is never built, Kelvin can never be there to get Desmond, Desmond can never not push the button, and thus Oceanic Flight 815 will never crash. We saw a scene similar to season 2’s finale, where all things metal were dragged away by an electromagnetic force, including some large metal chains which ensnared Juliet. Poor Juliet. I wish I wasn’t right all the time. Oh yeah, I guess Sayid died off screen too. I don’t care.

Juliet_bomb Juliet did manage to survive the fall down the massive shaft, and realised that the bomb had not yet gone off, so she struggled in some great acting by Elizabeth Mitchell, smacked the bomb until we came across the “son of a bitch” line so frequently used this episode and then…


Gragh. 2010 can not come quick enough for this story to carry on. Did Jack’s plan work? What happens if it did? What happens if it didn’t? Have we seen the last of Jacob? Is Juliet still alive? I have no idea, so I leave you with this, from the web comic After Lost.


Thursday, 14 May 2009

There was…an incident

I’ll be watching the Lost finale pretty soon, so I’m going to make some predictions, if you’re going to make any comments, please leave ‘em spoiler free for a few hours.








Either Jin or Sayid will die in the finale. Sayid’s story is easily over by now, and after Sun & Jin reunite there’s a possibility that he could die. Darlton have said that the death in the finale, will be “reminiscent of Charlie’s death”, and I know people that are still torn up by that, so I’m not sure that they can top the emotion that some people felt to his death with those two characters, but I think they will be able to top it with:

107876_D_0892Juliet has become a good character over the past two seasons. Silently snuck in during season three, she wasn’t liked initially, but avoided a Nikki/Paulo situation by allying herself with Jack, and now she’s allied with Sawyer. Suliet (the Sawyer & Juliet relationship) has been fitting during the season, and I was glad that she has come in to her own as a character. Unfortunately it does remind me of Charlie, wherein I disliked his character starting around season three and then Desmond said he’d die, and I was intrigued and then saddened when he did drown. Don’t let Juliet die.

Onwards to people’s plans – Jack’s plan first:

jughead Jack plans to detonate Jughead, but as we’ve seen in the trailers, he only needs a small part of it in order to get the job done. He plans to follow Faraday’s instructions from his journal and stop Oceanic Flight 815 from crashing. Would this erase all the stuff they’ve been through on The Island? I don’t think so. No matter what happens, it’s your present. Even if they end back up on the plane and don’t crash, he’ll still remember everything that happened there. Jack’s plan will not work.

I’m disappointed that the reason he came back to The Island seems to be for Kate. I’m not a big shipping fan, maybe some people still appreciate Jate & Skate, but I’m not one of them. I was fed up of it around the middle of season three. Though I think Jack’s plan won’t work, something will happen with Jack and co. to cause The Incident. I’m just not sure what.

Now, on to Locke’s plan:

jacobTo kill Jacob. WHAT?! Can you even kill Jacob? As we saw, Locke seems to be the only person who has ever truly seen Jacob, yet he is assigning Ben the task of killing him. My friend @benjirino thinks that by “killing” Jacob, it may instead free him from where he is trapped, as he asked Locke to “help me”.

However, Richard seems to be reacting a little strange in a trailer for the episode, claiming that there can only be “one leader of The Island”  so whether it allows whoever kills Jacob to become the new leader of The Island or if it allows them to take Richard’s position of “advisor” which he’s held for a very, very long time. Locke’s plan will succeed.

I know the episode is going to be amazing, and I only have a few more hours to wait and see it.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Official Lost audio Podcast for season five

It’s been leaked early, and you can grab it from DocArzt's site and give it a listen if you like.

ChangThey state that the above video is now non-canon and was a story line that didn’t quite work out. The cameraman was intended to be Daniel Faraday, which most fans had guessed. A few other tidbits from it, most of which are obviously jokes.


  • Jacob is really a 60 foot tall fire giant whom lives at the top of the Beechcraft cliff.
  • The season finale was originally going to be called “The Bucket Brigade”
  • The compass may exist as a paradox, and not be in any actual timeline.
  • “The Incident” will be similar to season one’s finale, where we will be left hanging.
  • This is the last audio podcast, but we’ll see a video podcast with Michael Emerson before the podcasts finish until next season.

I’m looking forward to the finale. I’m sure it will be explosive, despite ABC’s odd marketing for a Lost finale.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Follow the leader, leader, leader

Etcetera. We’re edging our way in to finale times. Jack is tromping through the jungle to save people, Kate is changing her man and Hurley has joined two other people in another location. I guess we now know who the cameraman for Pierre Chang is: Miles.


I initially thought it would be Daniel Faraday given how much it sounded like him. Imagine a good segue way here. I think Chang and Horace make good leaders of the DHARMA Initiative.


Then, we have Richard, Ben & Locke, all with some authority over The Others, but obviously Jacob presides over all of them, and now Locke wants to kill him. What?! Does Locke intend to take his place, or is Richard actually Jacob as many fans think?

Our original de facto leader is confronted with the Thunderbird 2 like hydrogen bomb, which has something to do with The Incident. Strange that we have a large amount of concrete in The Swan. I never expected that it would be buried underneath The Barracks though.

I guess that Sayid is the major death for this season, which makes sense as his story is pretty much wrapped up.

Sorry this is only a short recap, but I’m still getting back in to it. The finale recap will be better and more awesome.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Lost on Twitter

As some of you are well aware I'm a big fan of the show Lost, and a prominent user of Twitter. The two seem to have intermingled a lot lately though, with people posting as characters or organisations from the show. In following them, you can enter an alternate reality, which some users play very well. You might be interested in following some of them, so I'm going to 'showcase' the best ones.

Let's begin with various versions of The Island's leading surgeon: Jack Shephard

Jack Shephard
This is an "Oceanic Six" account from the folks over at SpoilerTV forums. Not sure who runs it, but have a check around and you can find out. Keeps updated too.

- Jack Shepard
A fairly recent account, but the use of hashtags puts me off. Seems to be run by the same bunch of people who run an account called @The_Island.

There's two more but I wouldn't bother with either one of those. One has only two updates, and the other one may be a real person called Jack Shephard.

Now on to another main character, another of the infamous love triangle on the show: Kate Austen
- Kate Austen
Suprisingly there is only one Kate on Twitter, this is another one from the people at The_Island. This account seems to post some strange stuff about selling Aaron on eBay and other odd bits, but as she's the only Kate (for the time being), you're kind of stuck with her.

Now, the last one in the triangle to get it out of the way (oh how I despise it), James Ford, also known as Sawyer.

- James "Sawyer" Ford
Errr...this account has no updates. Fair few followers though.
- James "Sawyer" Ford
This user has protected their updates, so I can't really see what's going on there.
- James "Sawyer" Ford
So, you're left with this account, with the use of hashtags again. Not the best choice again.

Now, on to the resident Iraqi of The Island, who will break your neck with his legs, Sayid Jarrah.

- Sayid Jarrah Only one Sayid Jarrah that I can see, and it's another Island hashtagger. I don't know, I feel like the hashtags take away from the alternate reality feel that fictional character accounts should try and put across.

Now, as Sawyer calls him, the "rotund" Hugo Reyes.

- Hugo "Hurley" Reyes This account is another SpoilerTV one and another well run one, though a bit slow in updates. - Hugo "Hurley" Reyes
This is another Island one, which apart from the strange background doesn't seem chuckle worthy.

One half of our Korean couple, and the guy who survives any kind of explosion, Jin-Soo Kwon.
- Jin-Soo Kwon
Whoever runs this obviously reads spoilers as there's a few name drops around of unseen characters, some Korean wouldn't go a miss, but otherwise it's okay.

Now, for his wife, Sun-Hwa Kwon.
- Sun-Hwa Kwon
Another Island account, and again the hashtags put me off, but that's just personal preference.
- Sun-Hwa Kwon Another account from SpoilerTV, and in character too, but a bit sparse with updates.

Recently deceased, then alive again John Locke also has an account.
- John Locke Again, a very out of character Island account. Not hating on whoever runs The Island, just irks me that they're out of character, when they're accounts for fictional characters in the first place.

Now, there's also one of my favourite characters, Desmond Hume there.

- Desmond Hume
Though not updated for about a month, and having the big promotional picture as the background, this account is not too bad.

The Others
The bad, I mean good guys on the show. Some sillyness mixed in with all of this account. A very fun one to follow.

DHARMA Initiative
The people who built all the stations on The Island. Another fun account, may be the same person/group of people who runs The Others account.

Have I missed anyone off? Have you started a new account you'd like me to add? Comment and let me know.

Please note: Names in bold were used as search terms on Twitter to find the accounts.