Jack: "He told me that it was my fault for leaving..."
As I am sure you all know by now, the first episode of season five is named "Because You Left" and I thought I would share my thoughts about what might have happened to the Losties and the other people on and off The Island.
Let's take the de facto leader of our Losties. Recently escaping The Island in the present time-line, we have already seen Jack's wrecked and ruined path that he shall soon follow. Parts of it are still missing, such as his meeting with John Locke off Island. I think we will see this in "Because You Left" as you may have guessed from the quote at the start of the article. Jack's flashback's started to become very boring (Stranger In A Strange Land anyone?) so I am glad that we have stopped those and concentrated a lot more on his flashforwards, which have become very intriguing. He'll continue collecting people for their epic return to The Island, though I am unsure as to whether they will need Desmond or Frank. I am looking forward to seeing how those still on The Island cope without the man who has lead them for more than one hundred days now. Who will step up to the plate and what reaction certain characters who are close to him like Juliet will have.
Now on to Ms. Katherine Austen. Her story was also starting to bore me as well. Mainly because it had nowhere else to go, but now that they have blended Kate's storyline with Claire's by giving her Aaron, and trying to form a family unit with Jack, it has made a nice change. Kate seems very unwilling to return to The Island, so I am unsure how Jack will convince her. I am however, always happy for some more Evangine Lily screen-time. In regards to what may happen to her in "Because You Left", I think she will confront Jack and inform him of her strange dream and phone call from Claire, thus needing no convincing from Jack. Jack shares crazy visions of his father who died before they boarded the plane and they both carry along their paranoid little journey with baby Aaron in toe.Please join me again during the week when we shall look at the next two characters, Sawyer & Sayid in preparation for Lost's new season starting in February 2009.