Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Character Look-Backs #2

Jack: "He told me that it was my fault for leaving..."

Welcome to the second part of the character look backs, which take a travel back in time and try to glimpse in to the future for the character in question. For this segment, we look at our resident Iraqi and our loveable redneck.

James "Sawyer" Ford started off as a conman off the Island, and wound up in love twice. Once with Cassidy Phillips and now with Katherine Austen. A man on a mssion to get revenge on the man who conned his parents, who was known by another name, and was connected to a fellow Lostie. In season three, he finally managed to get back at Antony Cooper whom he strangled with some chain from The Black Rock. He had a strange journey in season four, odd times with Kate, and then protecting Claire and almost becoming an Oceanic Seventh. I think that season five will see him take on a semi-leader role as Hurley appointed him to the post briefly when Jack was away. As for the whole Jate/Skate/Jacket arguments, I could not care either way who ends up with who in that warped triangle with extra twizzles on the end. I'm unsure as to what loose ends we really have left to wrap up in his story besides his daughter. I'm also unsure as to what the reaction would have been were he Jeremy Bentham, the man in the coffin.

Now on to Sayid, who went from the "terrorist" everyone assumed had something to do with the crash, to the guy that every Lost fan would want on their side in a fight. Smart, cunning and in Shannon's eyes, sexy, Sayid took a supposed dark turn after leaving The Island and ended up working for Benjamin Linus. The true nature of why he keeps working for him is not yet unveiled to us. In season five, I think he will help everyone else in their return to The Island, as he already recruited Hurley to join him. Though as he and Locke never saw eye to eye I am confused as to why he is returning. Nevertheless, I am sure I will enjoy the journey.

That being said, come back again when I shall chat about two more characters, though am currently unsure which two.

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Character look-backs #1

Jack: "He told me that it was my fault for leaving..."

As I am sure you all know by now, the first episode of season five is named "Because You Left" and I thought I would share my thoughts about what might have happened to the Losties and the other people on and off The Island.

Let's take the de facto leader of our Losties. Recently escaping The Island in the present time-line, we have already seen Jack's wrecked and ruined path that he shall soon follow. Parts of it are still missing, such as his meeting with John Locke off Island. I think we will see this in "Because You Left" as you may have guessed from the quote at the start of the article. Jack's flashback's started to become very boring (Stranger In A Strange Land anyone?) so I am glad that we have stopped those and concentrated a lot more on his flashforwards, which have become very intriguing. He'll continue collecting people for their epic return to The Island, though I am unsure as to whether they will need Desmond or Frank. I am looking forward to seeing how those still on The Island cope without the man who has lead them for more than one hundred days now. Who will step up to the plate and what reaction certain characters who are close to him like Juliet will have.

Now on to Ms. Katherine Austen. Her story was also starting to bore me as well. Mainly because it had nowhere else to go, but now that they have blended Kate's storyline with Claire's by giving her Aaron, and trying to form a family unit with Jack, it has made a nice change. Kate seems very unwilling to return to The Island, so I am unsure how Jack will convince her. I am however, always happy for some more Evangine Lily screen-time. In regards to what may happen to her in "Because You Left", I think she will confront Jack and inform him of her strange dream and phone call from Claire, thus needing no convincing from Jack. Jack shares crazy visions of his father who died before they boarded the plane and they both carry along their paranoid little journey with baby Aaron in toe.

Please join me again during the week when we shall look at the next two characters, Sawyer & Sayid in preparation for Lost's new season starting in February 2009.

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Kristin interviews Michael Emerson

Quick post before I'm done for the day.

In case you weren't paying attention last night, Michael Emerson, our beloved Benry, turned in an astonishing performance that was earning Emmy buzz before it even aired, and as far as I'm concerned, no one has ever done better work humanizing a supervillain.

I just rang up Michael to get his take on Lost's big game, Ben's current state of mind after the brutal death of [sobbing drowns out spoiler], and, oh yeah, his brilliant explanation of the monster's mechanics.

Tania Raymonde, Lost


What's going on internally for Ben in that minute after Alex has been shot dead?
Well, Ben is in a state of shock. Ben doesn't usually...Ben plays a game where a variety of outcomes are to be expected, but nothing outside the table of contents. In this case, something happened. Ben took what he thought was a safe risk, and it turned out to be a terrible risk. Someone else didn't play fair, so it's about as big a shock as Ben as ever had in his life.

Jumping to the end of episode then, Charles Widmore says, I didn't kill your daughter, you did. How much does Ben feel culpable in her death?
Ben is a guy who doesn't take things lightly, and I think he has a long memory. When Charles Widmore says that it's Ben's fault—that's a kind of sophistry on his part. He's suggesting that everything Ben has ever done has led up to this moment, the idea that who we are makes us guilty across the board. But Ben's not having that explanation.

I think Ben knows that his daughter died for a very particular reason, and that Charles Widmore is the guilty one. Whatever is going on between Ben and Charles Widmore, the ante just got raised about tenfold.

In the next episode there's a scene where it looks like Sawyer might get the chance to kill Keamy, who killed Alex. Is that the kind of thing that Ben would want to do personally, or is Ben more of a big-picture thinker, just gunning for Charles?
I think Ben is in a state of bloody-mindedness right now. I think he would like to personally pull the trigger on everyone connected. And we'll see whether he has that opportunity.

Mira Furlan, Lost

Interesting. Do you expect to see Danielle and Alex again, hopefully, in one capacity or another? And what has it been like working with Tania Raymonde and Mira Furlan?
I love both these actresses, and it feels like when a dear coworker moves on to somewhere, you feel sad and lonesome...and you realize how much you've personally got invested in these fictional relationships. You know how nobody is ever fully dead on Lost, so...I don't expect that we've seen the last of them. But maybe we've seen the last of them in their fleshly state.

So Danielle doesn't pop up in the next episode with just a minor flesh wound and come after Ben or anything?
I don't—I don't think that's gonna happen...

Speaking of Danielle, I was hoping she would eventually get to kill Ben.
[Laughs.] What a strange wish on your part.

Lost, Elizabeth Mitchell


Well, I say this with the utmost respect and love for the character, but Ben's an unkillable cockroach, and yet you would have to imagine someone eventually gets him. Juliet, perhaps?
Well, Juliet is certainly a dangerous character. I think more dangerous than we know at this point, and certainly there are issues between Juliet and Ben that have yet to be resolved. But you know, Ben's...his whole existence may end up being redeemed by the gravity and necessity of his mission.

Speaking of Juliet, that whole "You're mine!" opened so many more questions of what does he want from her. And then...I'm pretty sure Elizabeth Mitchell is like a foot taller than you, does that ever come into play when you guys are shooting scenes together?
[Laughs.] Yes, I have to say, that was not one of Ben's prettier moments, there at the place where Goodwin met his demise.

You know, when Ben gets outside his comfort zone, like many men who are geniuses or men of sophistication, there is some part of him, to compensate, that has been undeveloped. I think Ben is maybe socially or emotionally somewhat underdeveloped.

So sometimes, when he's stressed, he behaves like a teenager. Sort of. To me. So he says things bitterly...I think he possibly regrets them later, but he does behave impulsively sometimes. For this character who is supposed to be so calculated and such a chess player, he really does behave impulsively upon occasion.

Does he want to marry Juliet so she can have a million of his babies?
I don't think he even has a clear picture what he wants. That he wants is all he knows. She is a prize in his mind. Who knows what his sex life is, or ever would be? But somehow he's decided that she is to be his.


Alan Dale, Ugly Betty

Do you almost feel like after that conversation with Charles we suddenly learned that Ben is the hero of the show, even though we didn't know he existed for the first season or two?
It feels like some kind of shift along those lines is happening, doesn't it? Because each season, it's like the lens of the show steps back a notch and shows the playing field of the show to be a larger one that we had thought at first.

I think this battle between Charles Widmore and Benjamin Linus, whatever it is, whatever the stakes are, whatever the game is, I think that's now big. That's a big, important thing.

And I think, I don't know if it's just from familiarity or instinct, but I think we like Ben Linus better than we like Charles Widmore. I think Charles Widmore is a more wicked man.

Partly just because Charles is really mean to Desmond, whereas Ben has always been very courtly and gentlemanly. He'll beat you to death, but he'll say thank you when he's done or something.
Yes. [Laughs.] That's right. Manners count, don't they? Come on!

OK I have some fan questions, if you don't mind. Harry asks: "Is Ben the monster's boss? Is Ben able to just take the monster out of his cage?" What's your sense of that whole thing?
Ben is privy to the secret mechanics of everything on the Island, so yes, he can sic the smoke monster—smoke's not the right word, but he can sic that thing on someone. But we don't yet know the recipe or the formula for how that's done, and we don't know what it costs. There seem to be a lot of forces on the Island, but nothing is for free. A toll is paid every time the machinery works. Everything is bargained.

Tom asks, "Did you have any sense that between the time Ben disappeared into the tunnel, and came back sooty later, that he was essentially in a time bubble where he worked out that Sayid would help him take down Charles Widmore, or do you think that was genuinely in the future?"
I had it in my head that those things were genuinely in the future. But the passage of time is being perceived differently by different people. I thought that period of time when he went down the tunnel to enable the smoke monster and emerged sooty, I thought that was just enough time for him to take care of that, physically, by himself.

I think it all has something to do with metallic dust. I think the smoke monster is connected to that ring of powder that surrounds Jacob's cabin. They've established that there are supermagnetic forces are at work on the Island, so what better medium for those forces to work through than through fine filings of metal?

Would you like join the Lost fandom? Because you would be really good at it.
We who work on the show—we're all Losties, too! We're all theorizing and trying to put the pieces together. It must tickle the writers to see us trying to work these things out!

OK, last question. Mark from Dundee, Scotland: "Where do you think Ben stands on a scale of one to 10 where one is Hurley, totally good; five is Locke, good but willing to do bad things to achieve his ends; and 10 is Charles Widmore, evil?"
I think Ben is not bound by your scale...

Good stuff from Kristin as usual. Any comments below please.

Source: E Online

Monday, 21 April 2008

SPOILER: Six spoilers from TV Guide

TV Guide have revealed some spoilers for the second half of season four.

It doesn't take a flash-forward to uncover Lost's secrets. Just a trip to Hawaii and a few pry­ing interviews. Here, a sextet (in honor of the Oceanic Six) of spoilery insights. — Shawna Malcom

1) Others leader Ben (Michael Emerson) has been called many things — Master Manip­ulator, Bug-Eyed Bastard, Captain Bunny Killer — but an action hero? In the April 24 episode, Ben leads the resis­tance against the freighter fiends working for cranky billionaire Charles Widmore, while in his flash­forward adventure, he does battle in the Tunisian desert and spies on a funeral in Iraq. Emerson was as surprised as anyone by this unexpected turn of events, not to men­tion a little anxious. "Stunts, languages — all sorts of spe­cial skills were asked of me," he says. "feel like I've done everything but the kitchen sink in this episode. God only knows what's next."

2) In one scene witnessed by TV Guide, Sawyer, Miles (Ken Leung) and a banged-up Claire, holding baby Aaron, make a ghastly discovery in the jungle: one dead body and an extra dismembered arm. Surprisingly, the con man turns all Big Brother on the single mum. "Since Charlie's died, feel like no one's protecting Claire," Holloway explains. But can anyone really keep Claire from joining the island's body count? After all, Aaron's calling Kate "Mommy" in the future. De Ravin claims she hasn't received the dreaded phone call from producers. "Maybe just let the baby go first," she says. "Or maybe fall off the helicop­ter. But if that's the case, I'm not shooting that scene. Stunt double, please!"

3) Remember that water­color painting an insti­tutionalized Hurley was working on when Charlie appeared in the season pre­miere? Jorge Garcia painted it himself. He also decided what to paint — an Eskimo fishing outside an igloo. "I was like, 'hope peo­ple think this means something,'" says the prankster. Mission accomplished: After the episode, fan sites buzzed with theories, including one he expected: "I hoped people might think it had something to do with the guys [in the Season 2 finale] speaking Portuguese in the snow."

4) TV Guide caught a scene shot for the May 1 episode in which Jack collapses, unconscious, on the beach. Expect Juliet to take charge and perform emergency surgery. "get to go into Jack's guts!" says a glee­ful Mitchell, who adds, "After reading this episode, realized that Juliet really does truly love him." Even so, Jack's flash-forward revolves around Kate. We're sworn to secrecy but will let slip that fans of "Jate" are in for a long-awaited happy twist of events.

5) Coming attractions: The return of ageless Other Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell). A trek to Jacob's cabin. In the future, Hur­ley imparting a chilling message from Charlie to Jack. Christian Shephard reaching out to both (!) of his children.

6) The producers' ambitions for the season finale were so epic, they had to ask ABC for an additional hour (Part 1 airs May 15; the second and third hours will air May 29). "All we can say is, at the end of May 15, viewers will be left wondering how the hell in two hours are the Oceanic 6 all going to be together and off the island?" executive producer Damon Lindelof says. But get off they will. And as a result, expect Lost to be a whole new ball game — again — when it returns for Season 5.

What do you think to them?

Sunday, 20 April 2008

What I expect to happen in The Shape Of Things To Come

Real time

- Ben will try and influence the Smoke Monster in to saving Alex and killing off a lot of Freighters
- Richard is the one on the phone being safely off Island calling Ben to tell him "CODE 14-J"
- We will see Others moving around in the jungle
- Juliet will try and detach herself from Jack
- Jack will then fall ill after being poisoned by one of the Freighters (Poisoned his bottle of water or something)


- Ben will recruit Sayid at Nadia's funeral to come and work for him to pay back for what he's done (On and off Island)
- We'll be unsure as to whether it's a Ben or Sayid episode at first
- We'll have a "...What?" moment at the end of the flash

Two good friends

Two friends of mine have recently been inspired to create Lost blogs of their own. Whether I played a part in their decisions or not, I don't know, but please do pay them a visit if you have the time.

Finding Desmond Hume

Finding Lost

The Shape Of Things To Come Sneak Peek

You might have already seen it, but just in case it's here on my blog too. Expect episode discussion from me on Friday afternoon when I get round to seeing it.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

THEORY: Daniel Faraday has Savant Syndrome

I have a new theory about Daniel Faraday. Initially, I thought that Dan was simply suffering from memory loss, and severe emotional/mental problems.

However, after discussing the autistic spectrum and certain degrees of autism/savants I fully believe that Daniel Faraday has Savant Syndrome. For those who would like a more detailed explanation, please visit Wikipedia. For those that are happy to listen to me ramble on about what it is, please proceed. Having a savant skill does not necessarily make you autistic. Some cases of being savant are on the autistic spectrum but not all. If you have a savant skill you excel in one area expidentially, but you struggle with everything else. Savants are in no means geniuses, though there have been savants who are. Savants may be able to, for example, work out how to send a mouse's conciousness backwards or forwards in time using mathematical equations, but would find it hard to hold a conversation, or to get themselves dressed in the morning.

Savants, similarly to autistic people, need care. As Confirmed Dead's enhanced episode revealed to us, Daniel's caretaker was the woman standing behind him. I believe this woman to be Charlotte Lewis. Charlotte & Daniel have hardly been apart since meeting after the initial travel to The Island. Below are a few more instances that help to back up my theory.

- Daniel & Charlotte play a card memory game in an episode, and Charlotte encourages him afterwards as a person looking after a savant/autistic person would.
- Daniel states that he is not in charge of the packing. He would not be able to pack the items correctly, because he would not have very good spatial dexterity
- Charlotte tells Dan 'You can do this' when in The Tempest and shows encouragment once again
- When Daniel is in The Tempest, he is struggling to enter the correct sequence because he needed Charlotte's help to do it

Daniel excels at mathematical and scientific equations, though he is still astounded by other scientific things outside his area of understanding, such as the scattering of the light on The Island.

So what do you think? Obviously this is just a brief overall view of the theory, but please do comment.

This theory is also now posted at DarkUFO's site.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

ABC Teleconference

Discuss Lost with Damon & Carlton.


WHAT: Teleconference call to discuss the April 24th return of "Lost," airing on the ABC Television Network

WHEN: Thursday, April 17 at 10:30 a.m., PT/1:30 p.m., ET

WHO: Damon Lindelof, co-creator/executive producer; Carlton Cuse, executive producer, "Lost"

CALL INFO: Conference Telephone Number: (719) 325-4817
Confirmation Code: 4002580
Title: Damon Lindelof/Carlton Cuse - "Lost"
Please plan to dial in 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

Replay Number: (719) 457-0820
Replay Passcode: 4002580

ABC Media Relations: Jeff Fordis (818) 460-6676, jeffrey.a.fordis@abc.com
ABC Media Relations Contact:
Jeff Fordis (818) 460-6676, jeffrey.a.fordis@abc.com

I tried to send off an e-mail a few days back and here's the reply.

"Fordis, Jeffrey A"

2 Apr (4 days ago)
This conference is for US domestic press. I'm sure Disney-ABC International will be doing something on their own with Damon and Carlton in the near future.
If anyone else wants to try and listen in for us fellow Losties, then please do.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

HOAX: Lost script leaked?

A page from the apparent final episode of season four has been leaked, and here it is below:

This was an early April Fool's apparently. Oh well.

Source: PickUpFlix

SPOILER: Claire is in danger/The Kiss

Some news comes to us from Ausiello this afternoon. I know he isn't always the most reliable source, but at the moment, I'll take any Lost tidbits.

Question: What's this I'm hearing about a major kiss in Lost's season finale? — David

Ausiello: More like a "spectacular kiss" — Damon Lindelof's words, not mine. In the new issue of Lost magazine, DL teased, "Romance is always blooming on and off the island. And I hereby promise you one of the most spectacular kisses you've ever seen on the show in this year's finale." Naturally, I pressed DL's partner in crime, Carlton Cuse, for further details on the earth-shattering smooch, to which he replied, "I can disclose no more details other than to say it's one of my favorite moments of the whole series so far. And contrary to some speculation, it is a male/female kiss." OK, so it's not Mr. Friendly and his little Rent Boy. Who does that leave? Oh, right: Pretty much every other couple on the frakkin' show! Damn you, Team Darlton!

Question: I love Lost, but is Claire ever going to get Charlie's letter and ring? — Rhiannon

Ausiello: The only thing I know for sure is that Claire is in significant danger in this season's Episode 9.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008


Not that I want to encourage you to visit other Lost websites, but of course we all do. I visit a site named Fanpop, where I regularly create polls, and here are two of favourites. Please do answer if you join Fanpop, or answer in the comments here.

23 Days to go

So, fellow Losties, what are you up to whilst you await Lost's return?

Myself, I'm kicking back and watching My Name Is Earl and having a few drinks. Happy days. :-)

Theory: The Monster is the Dahaka

DISCLAIMER: This post and the one below it are not April Fool's. Bad timing I guess.

It may sound crazy, but this is a theory that me and my Lost friends discuss regularly and could see happening. Don't worry, it's only brief, but please feel free to discuss it.

If you've ever played Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within, you will know what the Dahaka is. If not, hopefully I can explain it well. The Dahaka acts as a guardian of the timeline, and only appears if something has gone wrong with it and then tries to correct it. During the time of the first new Prince Of Persia game, The Prince messes up the timeline by making himself have the Dagger Of Time before he actually has it on the real timeline in order to undo the mess he caused, but there are still strands of fate and time that are left and the Dahaka then manifests and tries to destroy The Prince to rectify it.

The Monster also operates on a similar system.
The Monster is an embodiment of fate much like the Dahaka ensuring that the universe course corrects and that the timeline flows as it should. Some examples can be seen, such as where The Monster does not initially kill Eko for he still has a purpose to serve for The Monster but after Eko tells Yemi (who has been confirmed as The Monster) that he is not sorry for the things he has done this causes the timeline to be interrupted, and the way to correct it is by taking Eko out of the equation.

There are a lot more parts to this theory, but see what you think so far. There are some holes I know, but it's better than a lot of the theories I hear.

Saturday, 26 January 2008

The Beggining Of The End Sneak Peeks

Thanks to DarkUFO for these sneak peeks. No spoilers in comments please.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Season Four Clue

That's the clue from the Find 815 clue hunt. Any Americans want to call it?

Chapter One Clue Hunt

There's a new part of Find 815 up. Can you find all the clues?

Sam Thomas has some interesting friends

Sam appears to have some very interesting friends on Facebook. This would seem to confirm that the Tracey R we have learned of via e-mail is Tracey Rob. But why is Sam friends with Paul Artisan, the detective from Bad Twin, who had brushes with the Widmore Corporation? Theories below if you want.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Fly Oceanic Air Secrets

Fly Oceanic Air's source code has some secrets hidden in the comments. Above is a capture highlighting the words and possible anagrams for them.

Mobisode 8 - Buried Secrets

Thanks to my fellow Lost blogger, DarkUFO, for these mobisodes, and transcript Susan and also video Susan.

Mobisode 7 - Artz and Crafts

Thanks to my fellow Lost blogger, DarkUFO, for these mobisodes, and transcript Susan and also video Susan.

Mobisode 6 - Room 23

Thanks to my fellow Lost blogger, DarkUFO, for these mobisodes, and transcript Susan & video Susan.

Mobisode 5 - Operation: Sleeper

Thanks to my fellow Lost blogger, DarkUFO, for these mobisodes, and transcript Susan & video Susan.

Mobisode 4 - The Deal

Thanks to my fellow Lost blogger, DarkUFO, for these mobisodes, and transcript Susan & video Susan.

Mobisode 3 - King Of The Castle

Thanks to my fellow Lost blogger, DarkUFO, for these mobisodes, and transcript Susan & video Susan.

Mobisode 2 - The Adventures Of Hurley & Frogurt

Thanks to my fellow Lost blogger, DarkUFO, for these mobisodes, and transcript Susan & video Susan.

Mobisode 1 - The Watch

Thanks to my fellow Lost blogger, DarkUFO, for these mobisodes, and transcript Susan & video Susan.

Sam's new e-mail and Flickr

On Find 815, Sam has been sending some e-mails and has gotten some back, make sure you check his laptop and check both the sent and received e-mails to know where we're at.

Also, you can download a Find 815 image from below, iron them on to a t-shirt and then wear them with pride. Or wear them and upload them here.

Expect my photograph soon.

Solving Sam's bag

A few people seem to be stuck on how to fit everything in to Sam's bag. I'm having a hard time getting a good screen capture of it being full, but here's as good as I got.
The final item goes on the left hand side of Sonya's photo. If you have any other screencaps of your completed, or almost completed ones, please do send them in.

The Lost Experience

With this new ARG started off, some of you may be wondering what this strange thing called The Lost Experience is, so here is a nice recap video of the whole thing, and a website where various clues were gathered.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Matthew - Find 815


That's the new code that will be needed for something in Chapter 2 of Find 815. It was revealed in this game via ABC.com, in which you have to pack Sam's bag before he goes and explores a certain area.


Find 815

If you hadn't noticed, a new Lost Alternate Reality game is currently in progress. Under the name of Find 815, this documents the adventures of former Oceanic Airlines employee, Sam Thomas.

He is searching for his lost love, Sonya, who was on board Oceanic Flight 815, and now it's up to us to help him find 815. Chapter one of this game is easy enough to complete, so I won't tell you how to solve it, but some other Lost bloggers have instructions.