The whispers have long been of intrigue to me, and I love reading the transcripts and trying to deduce theories from them. Now I think I have a half-decent one.
There's a third entity akin to Jacob and the Man in Black on The Island.
I do think this for a number of reasons, the first being the whispers wherein two male voices and a female voice have been heard by the Losties. Yet the female voice seems to be all for revealing herself or feels sad for our survivors, but is cautioned against it by the two males (Jacob & Man in Black) who seem to be more for manipulating things. I think she may be an underling, not as powerful as the men but still has a few tricks up her sleeve.
Secondly, I'd like to bring up Smokey. In the episode where Kate & Juliet are handcuffed to each other, they run off and get behind the security fence when The Monster approaches. Then as it does, it comes together from three separate whisps of smoke, similar to the small ones we saw when Locke was saved with dynamite in season one and before Eko was killed by it. The Monster also operates in three parts, being Jacob/Man in Black/Woman and they battle for control of it, hence it's differing actions (Woman in control when they meet Eko so she doesn't kill him, MIB in control later, sees no need for him, so kills him). The three can act independently as smoke trails but do not have enough power to do much when so. If you thought that bit was crazy wait for the next bit.
Thirdly, the female entity is...Christian. She was quick to take physical form of someone that Jacob/Man in Black might have used against her or one another, but doesn't seem powerful enough to keep it at all times. If she makes up part of The Monster, it would explain why such sounds are heard when Jack sees Christian on Island initially. When she can't keep a hold of the form, the Man in Black utilises him instead as distinguished by the black shoes worn when it's MIB and the white tennis ones worn when it's the woman. She's trying to influence the survivors without appearing herself and upsetting Jacob/MIB so this is the way she thinks it would work. What her goal would be with this, I have no idea, she's simply a theoretical character at this point, an idea.
Finally, I feel having a female lead to bring a rift between MIB & Jacob, or to oppose MIB with a loophole of her own would be fitting for the final season.
-- Posted from my iPhone